Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Owen's Log: Day 4, 5, and 6

Monday, Day 4: I had a rough night! I went to my first pediatric appointment, and she was a little worried that I had lost weight, and my skin tone looked a little yellow. She told my parents to take me over to a laboratory in the area to have my blood drawn and checked for jaundice. Dad held me while that lady stuck my foot, and I think he wanted to cry as much as I did!

I was pretty upset after that, and the Doctor wanted my parents to keep me in the area of the hospital when the test results came in, in case I needed to get treatment right away. I took my first trip to starbucks, and it made me feel much better.

The good news was, my test came back with good results, and we were all able to go home.

I had a lot of feedings that night when I got home, but my parents were still worried, because I hadn't pooped or peed the next morning (that was nearly 24 hours after my last wet diaper) I drank a lot of where did it all go? My pediatrician wanted to see me right away the next morning when she heard that I hadn't done any business in my diapers. So they put me on that cold scale again, and guess what? I had gained 4 ounces since the day before!...and as a special treat...I peed in my diaper just before the doctor arrived. I showed her!

Today, I had another adventure meeting a lactation consultant, who helped show my parents why I am having some trouble with nursing. It is okay, because Mom and Dad and Grandmas give me really good bottles with milk right now...and Mom and I are working on the breastfeeding in between for practice. That consultant thinks we can figure it out in a little bit of time, and with some patience. I am really close to getting how to do it, and Mom is going to be better at helping me too.

I have been pooping and peeing like a champion, even in the car when Mom and Dad have forgotten to bring all the right stuff in my diaper bag. Oops...they better learn fast!

Well, now it is time for me to be cute some more and entertain everyone. Here's a picture of me and Grandma Crystal:

Here is a picture of me and Grandma Retta.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Dear Owen,
what if I can to visit in like 2 weeks (the 11-13th)? are you tired of visitors?
I don't know if that will even work but I'm starting a job as soon as classes are over and don't know when I'll be able to make it? maybe in August? I have a week off then...


let me know