Tuesday, May 29, 2007

End of the holiday weekend

Here are the pictures of Granddad Bob and Grandmom Lee's first meeting with their Grandson.

It is Tuesday morning, and Dad and Lee have just left this morning to return to Cedar Rapids. We had a really nice weekend together, strolling through Liberty State park on Sunday afternoon, and doing some outlet store shopping in Secaucus yesterday.

Lee telling Owen a secret, and Owen is listening intently. :)

I think they enjoyed getting to meet and spend time with Owen! He was very agreeable for all of the gallivanting that we did. (He just made sure to make up for those extra hours of daytime napping by staying up and extra hour at 2am this morning, a way to say, "Thanks Mom!") I think I should invest in some Visine stock...it helps me get my burning, sleepy eyes open for those middle of the night feedings.

We are looking forward to having an uneventful, quiet afternoon. Our landlord is upstairs right now, and may be resuming work on the 3rd floor apartment above us, so we shall see if my plan for quiet is attainable...
Here are some wonderful pictures Rachel sent from her visit.


Lee Hamill said...

We had a great time visiting Owen in NJ. We did spend a little time with his parents. Everyone who has seen Owen's pictures think he is quite a handsome guy.

Crystal said...

Owen sure seems to enjoy his grandparents! I'm sure he is going to miss all the excitement now that everyone has gone home. Mom and Dad are going to have to fill in with new adventures for him.

Thanks, Jess & Chris, for posting all the lovely pictures!
