Friday, August 3, 2007

Bite My Finger...?

(this is Owen and his pooka, Harvey)

We all know the ever-popular expression, "Pull my Finger". Well, everyone who knows Tim is familiar with it. :) We are experiencing our first signs that Owen is teething this week. And instead of our little Angel sucking Mommy or Daddy's finger to soothe him back to sleep...we are being gnawed at like a 15 lb. piranha is lying in wait at the bottom of our former baby's co-sleeper. You can offer him a finger, but you may not get it back now! Owen is writhing around in his crib, mostly asleep...but his vocalizations are definitely too loud to allow the rest of us to stay the same...mostly asleep, that is. We disconnected the co-sleeper from the side of the bed because the night before last, Owen rolled onto his side, and swatted at our mattress to get my attention while I was trying to go back to sleep. This is a 14 week old baby, folks. I give him points for being ahead of the curve, but teething at 3 months??? Where is the love, Universe? At this rate, he will be pole vaulting out of his bed in another week or two...or walking into the kitchen to fix a midnight snack. I blame Shayla, really. She gave him a teething toy, which really just egged him on to find a use for it.

Other than the constant drooling, gnawing, and frequent night-waking, Owen is at the top of his game. This week, Chris was home working, and got to witness the first time Owen picked up a toy in one hand, grasped it at the same time with other hand, and brought it to his mouth for further inspection. This is a developmental milestone, I think. We also started reading him books at bedtime and naptime...and he was completely enthralled by the experience; really focused on the pictures and never looking away. He is amazing. It is all going too fast, but he is amazing.

Chris has had a devastating event this afternoon. He overheard people waiting for the elevator in his office building...talking about the ending of the latest Harry Potter book. He gave them a sarcastic, "Thanks, Thanks a lot!" for it, and I don't think he has recovered yet. He has been dutifully reading ONLY on his way to and from work, rather than spending his every waking hour reading it while at home. And now this is his reward. :( It is really sad since he has been looking forward to reading it for months.

Speaking of magical beings, I better see to the little one. He has been napping soooooo well today, which makes up for the 2 1/2 hours I was awake in the middle of the night, and then spent my remaining hours trying to sleep out on the couch. Today has been a calm reward.


Giselle said...

I gotta say, Owen MAY be teething...or he might not be. Teething is the catch-all that people use. My first pediatrician told me that around 3-4 months, a baby's tongue moves back in the mouth...they suck different. This change is why bottle nipples come in "stages". It is also why babies start drooling like crazy around 3 months.

That said, he still COULD be teething. I swore Lily was teething at 3 months. She would bite our fingers SO HARD IT HURT. She just got her first 9 1/2 months. Little stinker.

Owen is so stinkin' cute!

Anonymous said...

First off, I adore that the toy's name is Harvey. What a dignified name.

Second, I work at Chris' office, as you well know, and I think we should hunt down those HP spoilers and make them PAY Chris. I bet we could find them and just move everything in their offce two inches to the right or something.

Beautiful baby. Beautiful family. Beautiful life!

Love love love