Sunday, April 27, 2008

More birthday pictures from yesterday

This is my new favorite Owen picture. He has taken to playing IN his toybox these days. Doesn't dump out the toys...just steps in and pulls out whatever he sits down on. What a card!

Jess, Chris and Owen on his birthday

Good Morning!

Let me start by giving a "Shout-Out" to all of the folks who regularly check-in on our blog. Someone at the party yesterday reminded me that I hadn't posted anything since March 24th...and she was getting ready to call me out on it if I didn't post again soon! You see, I forget that many people are viewing the blog since so few people ever comment anymore (Ahem...) but I will do better in the start of Owen's second year. .

Owen spent a lot of yesterday playing with his cousin, Adele. She was an awesome babysitter, and present opening assistant! Those two danced, walked, laughed, and sampled the wonders of all of Owen's new toys.

I think Owen was a little will notice in the video that he offers her cake first. Ann Marie leaned over and commented at some point that the Boone love for older women was continuing on. (Hey. I'm not that old.) Oh how fast they grow up and discover girls...

Aren't you glad you weren't on clean-up crew yesterday??


The next few pictures speak for themselves...

Joyce, Shala and Dave

Dave, Drake, Ann Marie, Cork, Rick

Maureen and Beth

Rick, Tim and Karen

Ben's Hand, Heidi, Maggie, Genny, Jess and Owen


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the card. I was hoping that you would remove that photo before I was forced to comment. UGH! I really enjoyed your blog up until now. -karen in cinci

Jessie said...

the next time dad is crawling through weird tunnels- I need to be made aware of it IMMEDIATELY!

I found the missing birthday present, I knew it would pop up eventually. I'll be sending it as a one year and one month present instead. Maybe that will be my new thing.

Next year it will be a 2 year and 2 month present, and so on.