Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Annabelle is going to be OK

Just a quick update for those of you who know that my "Squirreliebelle" had to go into the animal hospital a couple days before we left for vacation. She is going to be okay. Her blood panel was rechecked yesterday morning, and all of her levels that were dangerously elevated are now back to normal. She is still on antibiotics and a special diet, and is being boarded at the hospital for the duration of our time away...sad for Phoebe...but the good news is that she will be just fine. I am quite relieved!!

We had an ocean adventure with Owen today. He responded by promptly conking out to sleep in Grandma Crystal's arms for an hour, while Chris and I romped in the waves and collected pretty shells. It was a good day, and we are all very happy and sleepy now.

The birthday celebration was a great success...thanks to everyone who participated! Chris just laughed from one post to the next; it was definitely a surprise he enjoyed. I will post pictures and some update movies probably tomorrow.

Have a good evening!

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