Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Owen slept through the night

That's the good news. The bad news is, Mom didn't!

Owen slept about 5 or 5 1/2 hours straight last night, but from 3 hours onward, I was anticipating his next waking...mostly due to his vocal and active movements while soundly asleep...so I only slept through about 2 1/2 of his total time.

Today I attended another New Mom's group, this time in Hoboken...which is much closer to being in my neck of the woods. Hoboken is the next town over from Jersey City, and it only takes me about 15 minutes to drive there with midday traffic. I met some really great women at the meeting, and then was really pleased to be invited to lunch with a group of 5 afterwards. We looked like a baby parade strolling all of our babies into Panera! I had to laugh on the way home when I thought about the intimate details of my childbirth and recovery that I happily blabbed about with a woman who had similar experiences, that I just met an hour or two before.

It struck me that no matter how educated and varied our careers were/are, we are all dealing with being novices as moms. It is also the first time since starting college that I can remember coming into a new situation hoping to make friends, where everyone else was there also hoping to make some friends. -I have moved many times in the last (dare I admit) decade and a half since starting college, and usually I am trying to make friends with people who are already well-established in their social circles. I have already been invited to a play-date on Friday afternoon...Chris asked, What does that look like when all of the kids are under 3 months of age? I will tell you...a bunch of moms sitting around visiting at the park with big Lattes in hand! It is a playdate for Moms, really, not babies.

Our sweetie boy is down for sleep tonight. Cross your fingers that he stays there!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it might be time to move the little scamper out of the bedroom and into his own room. DO YOU HAVE ONE OF THOSE GREAT MONITORS? I HERE THEY WORK GREAT TO KEEP TABS ON JUNIOR


Anonymous said...

more pictures



BOONES said...

dear dad-e-o,

you should use one of those web cams that all the kids are talking about these days!...

(more pix soon.)

ob1's mom