Thursday, May 31, 2007

baby reflexes

Last night, Chris and I gave Owen a bath. He really enjoys bath time. He gets pretty mellow and floats around in the tub with wide eyes and relaxed limbs. When I was drying him off on his changing table, his mood suddenly shifted 180 degrees...he was screaming bloody murder, and all I was doing was putting on his diaper! Then I noticed that one hand was not only up above his head, but that it had a handful of his hair in a tight little fist. Poor boy was pulling his own hair, and didn't know why it hurt so much! I got his fist unclenched, and then he was fine again. Whew! I didn't know that could happen, but will be on the lookout to catch it the next time.

1 comment:

Lee Hamill said...

At 6-weeks surely there is a lot of sensory and muscle coordination that Owen will be processing over the next few months- and this might very well be lesson #1.
....But since we all believe Owen to be as brilliant and he is beautiful, could it also be a sign that:
A.) He liked the attention provided by a steady stream of out-of-town guests, which suddenly stopped this weekend! (loss of magnetic powers to attract people from afar)
B.) He is mimicking moments of parental frustration by pulling his own hair out. (relax guys you are doing great!)
C.) Having been recently exposed to the music of Shubert and Beethoven, is he trying to adopt a more 'long haired' look. (but it doesn't stretch very far)
D.) Looking around the Jersey neighborhood, he knows he is not wearing a dew-rag, so he is going for more of a Tony Soprano look.(Now that's F-A-M-I-L-Y)